Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Funniest thing I have seen in a while.

I'm still watching it laughing my butt off XD.

"Jigsaw's DEAAAAAAD!" LMAO. Enjoy.

Australia Day

So yesterday was Australia Day, the 26th of January marking the date we were colonised - NOT the date we were Federated, that was the 1st of January 1901 =]. I had a few issues once this day had passed though, and I feel a great need to discuss those issues here.

There appears to be several types of Australians. The patriotic Australian, the Australian whos descent does not derive of Irish or English background and the drunk, bogan-like patriotic Australian. These are probably the three main ones I really want to discuss, but of course these types are not limited within themselves at all.

The patriotic Australian will be just happy celebrating the day for what it is, and that is of course the day we were colonised. Fantastic! No issues here. Wear an Australian flag as a cape, if you will! Show that Aussie spirit and pride we're all known for. The supporter of the underdog, the Aussie battler, the 'give-it-a-go' attitude no matter what we are faced up against. You can go anywhere in the world and be known to take any challenge, no matter what it is as an Australian citizen. It's like what one of my favourite Australian comedians says, "Wanna go backpacking in Europe? Aww, yeah!" or "Wanna go skydiving in Africa? Sure!" - His interpretation of the Australian who will most definitely give it a go. This is the kind of Australian I tolerate very well, and I think it's a great way for other countries in the world to see us. Laid back, accepting, cheerful. In my time of being on the internet and meeting people from overseas, the one thing that they have been able to say about me and other Australians that they meet is that we are incredible people.

One of my awesome friends Chris Day, who is from Lenoir, North Carolina in the USA once said to me "You know man, it's funny... You, along with every other Australian I have ever met in my life has been so laid back, so funky, and so fucking down to earth... it makes me want to be Australian too. I don't think I could envy you any more than anyone else!" (Chris' Myspace can be found here, check him out he's an awesome musician! (Excuse the shameless promotion, but he really is an awesome guy!)).

Like I said, this is the kind of Australian I honestly want to be known as.

What I have witnessed quite a lot recently as of late is the drunk, bogan-like 'patriotic' Australian, becoming violently involved with the Australian whos descent does not derive of Irish or English background.

Yes, I am speaking of the horrible, racist bullshit in which has taken place not just on Australia Day, but for a long time now. The moronic, disgusting, vulgar and violent acts and phrases of words which are chanted and exchanged through the streets of our central buisness districts, screamed across television broadcasts nationally and shown to our neighbours of the Earth through all means of media content. The gang wars, the riots, the discrimination...

"Invasion Day", they call it.

Never in my life have I been so ashamed to have been born here, and never in my life have I been so ashamed to be caucasian. To have these kinds of people running around screaming "Aussie, Aussie, Aussie" in peoples faces as an insult and to see the kind of results that are produced make me cringe like nothing else. Don't get me wrong, you can chant that all you like at sporting events and things like that, but on the streets, beaches and trams? Give me a break. I don't think you could be more un-Australian if you were parading around with an American flag on your back preaching to me how much you love your gun-laws and your right to freedom of speech (and yes I know not all Americans are pro-gun laws and preach of their right to freedom of speech, yada yada yada). I love what Australia has to offer, and what it can produce. I can't be proud of the country as a whole, anymore though.

One phrase in particular that really upsets me is the "Love it, or get out!". Give me a fucking reason to love it and don't just shove your flag in my face and tell me to 'get out'. I quite honestly don't want to love a country that's made up of a culture in which consists of drunken wankers who can't accept other people for who they are; that's not the Australia I love and grew up in. It's like that phrase "We grew here, you flew here". What the hell? Australia is just over one-hundred years old, one-hundred and eight years to be exact and you're telling people that you GREW HERE? You only just got here yourself, moron. The hypocritcal remarks that come out of peoples mouths astounds me. You might have been born here but saying shit like that gives me less reasoning to believe you deserve to be here, unlike everyone else who actually does.

The Australians who aren't of Irish or English descent... I really honestly do feel for you. I hope that someday all of this racist junk does change. I myself have been victim to racism, both here in Australia and in other countries. Even so, those events will never change my outlook on other races, religions and cultures. I won't ever think that I am far superior to anyone else.

When I think of Australia Day, I think of AUSTRALIA. Australia is the most multicultural place I know of that exists, with people of all races and religions who are accepted into the country. There are so many different types of people here, and some of those people just decide to make the rules for themselves and tell everyone they don't want here to get out. It sickens me to the very core of my being.

I apologise for the angry rant, it's really something that gets on my nerves though and I hope it does change one day. I wouldn't give up my Australian citizenship for anything in this world, but I am certainly not going to follow the path of the ignorant Australian and be unaccepting of those who deserve to live here as much as we do.

Saturday, January 24, 2009

My 'Bedtime Stories' Story

Before I make the '90's nostalgia' post which I have been working on, I thought I might let those who read experience an insight into my boredom and what I might possibly do with it. One example of this is the much loved phrase of "for freeeeeeeeeeeeeee?" which spawns from the movie "Bedtime Stories" with Adam Sandler in it. A friendship group which I am involved in just looooooves to use this wherever possible. What they don't know is I use it constantly in places outside of the group though, read on... for the lulz are ensured.

The other night, very, very late, whilst coming home from a gathering at a friends house, I felt the need to aquire a meal from a McDonalds franchise in Greensborough. I was pretty hungry, and still had some money in my pocket so I though "Hey, why not?". I pulled up into the drive-thru after turning down the much blared Queen CD that I own, and wound down my window to order something from their wide menu of foods. This is how the conversation went between I and the clerk working that night.

McDonalds Employee: "Welcome to McDonalds, what would you like to order?"
Christian: "Oh hey, uhhh I was thinking of ordering a medium Classic Chicken meal, please. Crispy chicken, at that."
McDonalds Employee: "Okay great, would you like Coke for the drink?"
Christian: "Yes please."
McDonalds Employee: "Would you like to upgrade your medium meal to a large meal?"

*Silence for about 3 seconds*


I couldn't resist!

Christian: "... for freeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee?" *In a high pitched tone*
McDonalds Employee: "...Sorry?"
McDonalds Employee: "Free? No, a few cents extra."
Christian: "... so not for freeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee?"
McDonalds Employee: "No, not for free..."
Christian: "Oh... okay. Well could I also get six nuggets with that please?"
McDonalds Employee: "Sure, would you like any sauce with that?"
Christian: "...for freeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee?"
McDonalds Employee: *Sighs* "Yes, for freeeeeeeeeeeeeeee".
Christian: "Yay! For freeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!"
McDonalds Employee: "Please drive forward to the last window to pay for your meal and recieve it."

I was so incredibly smug as I paid her my money. She looked rather pissed off, but I am sure she's had worse customers come through at such a time =P She did sneakily have a grin as I left her... I know she enjoyed me as a customer =]. So that was one example of how incredibly bored I get and what I do with it. If only I had had a video camera or something, someone recording me while I did it. Maybe next time if someone is in the car with me =].

Much love.

EDIT: I FOUND THE BLOODY RINGTONE HE HAS! In the movie when Adam Sandlers' character phone rings there is a rather disturbing tone that proceeds it.

Ring... ring ring... RING... RIIIIIIIIIIING.

There it is for anyone that wants it ;).

Friday, January 23, 2009

Adaptations... and sweet pics to go with!

I started watching Cowboy Bebop again today, and it was like when you start talking about 90's nostalgia. You get this feeling for a VERY small second, the feeling you had when you were a kid. Sometimes when I get that it I can even remember the scent of my surroundings, which is totally awesome... and weird. It's an odd sort of happiness that was only once had at that age, really.

But ANYWAY, I had it again when watching Cowboy Bebop today 'cause I forgot how much I loved it. The music and the stories and everything in it just makes me so happy =D. I'm almost halfway through the series again, and it's gonna make me sad to watch the end again but I don't care 'cause it's awesome. I've always been a fan of anime and manga but it's quite hard to find ones as decent as this. What frustrates me though is Fox is making a live-action movie of it... rumoured with Keanu Reeves playing Spike. I've nothing against Keanu Reeves, but if you remember what mainstream cinema has done to some adaptations of videogame/anime stories... then I can hardly fathom what this will be like. On that note, does anyone remember watching this?

Yes. That's right. Jean-Claude Van Damme in the original live action Street Fighter movie. God HELP US. He played Guile, and Cammy was played by none other than Kylie Minogue (I do believe that is quite hilarious though, bless her heart). Sad thing about this though is that the man who played M. Bison (Raul Julia, who was AWESOME in it and probably the only good reason for watching it) passed whilst making this film. It's kind of sucky to think the last thing he was ever in \was this horrible, horrible movie. If you haven't ever watched this then just stay away. If you have watched this... then may a deity of some sort have mercy on your soul.

They are actually releasing a new one, focusing on Chun-Li. Guess which company is making it? Yeaaaaah... you guessed it, Fox. I'm still going to see it but I'm sure I will be considering fool-proof suicide afterwards. Like it's predecessor, I can only assume it will be crap. Entertaining crap, but crap none the less.

Movies like this have been done well before, though. X-Men, anyone? I loved the X-Men movies and it helps that they actually had a budget where they could use decent actors in them and a budget where they were able to go all out with their action scenes. Maybe some of these movies that have come out really badly might have been ten times better with more money, who knows. Lots of little things ties such a media together, story, plot, etc. But you know it can only be done so well. And so bad... Here's a picture of Hugh Jackman as Wolvering being badass. LOOK AT THE ANGER. Clearly the man is pissed, and can most definitely show it. That is the sign of a good actor.

I do always wonder why they never really made him wear his original costume, though =P. After looking at it, I am a much bigger fan of Marvel characters over DC. Superman is really the only decent DC character there is... I mean come on. Marvel has awesome superheroes, and I've found a lot of DC ones don't have any powers... they are generally just either good or evil with a costume. But that's okay, I enjoy both sides ;).

I was gonna do a bit in this blog about 90's nostalgia, but I will do that next time. Far too many pictures as it is and this next blog is gonna need a lot of room for pics. But I WILL leave you with this...

I laughed rather hard. I also ask of you what your favourite adaptations are if you have any =].

Much love.

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Songs and their lyrics

The man who I am almost postive sold his soul at the crossroads to make the music he did

Lately I have been relistening to music I haven't listened to in a fair while, and when I did it was very focused. Some songs may not have meant much to me back then but now those songs that didn't mean anything may mean something now.

It's amazing. Quite like poetry, someone else has written their thoughts and feelings and when you go and read it you will have the antidote ready for when you experience the same variety of emotions that the original writer will have experienced. My case in point being one of my favourite musicians ever, Jeff Buckley.

His father Tim Buckley is also a very popular musician and has written a lot of good stuff too. Jeff Buckley however, has more songs that directly relate to situations in my life more than any other artist or musician I know ever has, including myself. It's almost as if I have gone through exactly what he has gone through in his life, and that scares me. I even started writing something along the lines of a goodbye song to him the other day thanking him for what he's done for me and how he has affected me in a positive way. He isn't alive anymore, and when I remember that it just about breaks my heart because that means I won't ever be able to see him perform his music live. To think of how he puts me elsewhere that isn't of this world when I listen to him on CD, I wonder how I would react if I had gotten to see him in person. I can only imagine a euphoria I wouldn't experience anywhere else.

He died young, week after my birthday in fact on May 29th. He drowned in Wolf River Harbour, a slackwater channel of the Missisipi River, what was actually called an "accidental drowning". He hadn't taken drugs or any illegal influential substances like that, he simply just drowned. It wasn't suicide or anything in which big rockstars generally become deceased from, it was a simple accident. This reminds me of how human people are, because that could happen to anyone.

And just when I thought he wasn't amazing enough, I listened to a live recording of my favourite song of his "Lover, you should've come over" and he royally destroys his own CD version with his amazing voice. He hits a note I myself can't hit, whereas the CD version I can hit. When I first heard it I put it on repeat for several hours it made me that crazy.

There it is there, when it gets towards the 6 minute mark is when he builds up in the last verse and he hits that incredibly high note at the 7 minute mark exactly, much higher than he does on the album and it astounds me everytime I listen to it. It's not even just the notes and the music, it's the lyrics that get to me a lot.

Here they are for this song.

Looking out the door
I see the rain fall upon the funeral mourners
Parading in a wake of sad relations
As their shoes fill up with water

Maybe I'm too young
To keep good love from going wrong
But tonight, you're on my mind so
You never know

Broken down and hungry for your love
With no way to feed it
Where are you tonight?
Child, you know how much I need it.
Too young to hold on
And too old to just break free and run

Sometimes a man gets carried away,
When he feels like he should be having his fun
Much too blind to see the damage he's done
Sometimes a man must awake to find that, really,
He has no-one...

So I'll wait for you... And I'll burn
Will I ever see your sweet return?
Oh, will I ever learn?
Oh, Lover, you should've come over
Cause it's not too late.

Lonely is the room the bed is made
The open window lets the rain in
Burning in the corner is the only one
Who dreams he had you with him
My body turns and yearns for a sleep
That won't ever come
It's never over,
My kingdom for a kiss upon her shoulder
It's never over,
all my riches for her smiles when I slept so soft against her...
It's never over,
All my blood for the sweetness of her laughter...
It's never over,
She's a tear that hangs inside my soul forever...

But maybe I'm just too young to keep good love
From going wrong
Oh... lover you should've come over...

Yes, and I feel too young to hold on
I'm much too old to break free and run
Too deaf, dumb, and blind
To see the damage I've done
Sweet lover, you should've come over
Oh, love, well I'll wait for you
Lover, you should've come over
'Cause it's not too late.

And for some silly reason all of that makes complete sense to me. I don't even know if I am old enough to understand it completely, but even so it breaks my mind up so much that it brings me to tears and I don't cry very often or easily, I generally fight that back. Something about this man makes me feel safe and that's an amazing feeling.

Rest in peace good sir, I will try and write all the music you would have written yourself if you were still with us. It kills me to know that I won't ever see him perform live but I am blessed to know that he once lived.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Introduction of the introverted.

I made this to keep up with friends who write these journals, so I don't expect to add an increduluous amount to it. Just read my silly profile if you wish to learn about me.

Animal crackers in my soup, monkeys and rabbits loop de loop.