Friday, January 23, 2009

Adaptations... and sweet pics to go with!

I started watching Cowboy Bebop again today, and it was like when you start talking about 90's nostalgia. You get this feeling for a VERY small second, the feeling you had when you were a kid. Sometimes when I get that it I can even remember the scent of my surroundings, which is totally awesome... and weird. It's an odd sort of happiness that was only once had at that age, really.

But ANYWAY, I had it again when watching Cowboy Bebop today 'cause I forgot how much I loved it. The music and the stories and everything in it just makes me so happy =D. I'm almost halfway through the series again, and it's gonna make me sad to watch the end again but I don't care 'cause it's awesome. I've always been a fan of anime and manga but it's quite hard to find ones as decent as this. What frustrates me though is Fox is making a live-action movie of it... rumoured with Keanu Reeves playing Spike. I've nothing against Keanu Reeves, but if you remember what mainstream cinema has done to some adaptations of videogame/anime stories... then I can hardly fathom what this will be like. On that note, does anyone remember watching this?

Yes. That's right. Jean-Claude Van Damme in the original live action Street Fighter movie. God HELP US. He played Guile, and Cammy was played by none other than Kylie Minogue (I do believe that is quite hilarious though, bless her heart). Sad thing about this though is that the man who played M. Bison (Raul Julia, who was AWESOME in it and probably the only good reason for watching it) passed whilst making this film. It's kind of sucky to think the last thing he was ever in \was this horrible, horrible movie. If you haven't ever watched this then just stay away. If you have watched this... then may a deity of some sort have mercy on your soul.

They are actually releasing a new one, focusing on Chun-Li. Guess which company is making it? Yeaaaaah... you guessed it, Fox. I'm still going to see it but I'm sure I will be considering fool-proof suicide afterwards. Like it's predecessor, I can only assume it will be crap. Entertaining crap, but crap none the less.

Movies like this have been done well before, though. X-Men, anyone? I loved the X-Men movies and it helps that they actually had a budget where they could use decent actors in them and a budget where they were able to go all out with their action scenes. Maybe some of these movies that have come out really badly might have been ten times better with more money, who knows. Lots of little things ties such a media together, story, plot, etc. But you know it can only be done so well. And so bad... Here's a picture of Hugh Jackman as Wolvering being badass. LOOK AT THE ANGER. Clearly the man is pissed, and can most definitely show it. That is the sign of a good actor.

I do always wonder why they never really made him wear his original costume, though =P. After looking at it, I am a much bigger fan of Marvel characters over DC. Superman is really the only decent DC character there is... I mean come on. Marvel has awesome superheroes, and I've found a lot of DC ones don't have any powers... they are generally just either good or evil with a costume. But that's okay, I enjoy both sides ;).

I was gonna do a bit in this blog about 90's nostalgia, but I will do that next time. Far too many pictures as it is and this next blog is gonna need a lot of room for pics. But I WILL leave you with this...

I laughed rather hard. I also ask of you what your favourite adaptations are if you have any =].

Much love.


  1. I happen to like that your profile is long. I love to read. Ha. And I think you are awesome cause you have blue hair.. =]
    Sorry if I freaked you out I just found your profile..

  2. LOL uhh thankyou ;D.
    The more to read this boring stuff the merrier =D.

  3. Ha, uhh.. You totally think I'm a creeper now... Sorry.. LOL.

  4. Nooo, I simply wonder where I might know you from if at all =] haha.

  5. Adaptions... ohh how i LOATHE the word...By far, the worst adaption ever...
    OHH! I was THANKFUL that i saw the movie before i read the book - because i would have thrown a brick at the tv in anger at the amount of stuff they DIDN'T include!
    Although i will comment on one other thing. Wolverine - why he hasn't got the costume in the movies. His personality TOTALLY doesn't suit a costume man! The Wolverine cannot be contained and he cannot be seen in blue and yellow!!! I WILL NOT HAVE IT DAMMIT! He would have looked like the love child of a wolf and some kinda telletubby...

  6. I am almost 100 percent sure that we don't know eachother.. I'm just a big talker to people that intrest me..
    I honstly do not mean to weird you out.
    By the way that Mcdonald's thing was funny. =]

  7. well since EVERYONE else is commenting i feel the need to as well.

    comment comment comment.


